20 November 2023 | 12 - 15 MIN read

Dream big. Money mantras for your financial future.

Dad with a young daughter. The daughter holds a pen and notebook as they dream and plan to achieve their financial goals.

Scientists (probably) agree: Money uniquely shapes our lives, impacts our choices, and provides opportunities for the future.

However, effectively managing our money takes more than just a monthly budget or a savings account: It requires a clear vision of your financial goals and a roadmap to achieve them. This is where a financial vision board can be a game-changer, and today, we will explain how. But that's not all.

This month, we also spoke to the team of financial consultants at Velocity Club to get their personal insights - their 'money mantras' - into how they think about money and their finances.

As you read through this article, we hope they will inspire you to compile your financial vision board and begin reaching for your financial dreams.

The journey begins: Crafting your financial vision

Imagine sitting down with a blank canvas and a palette of vibrant colours, ready to paint the picture of your financial future. This canvas is your financial vision board, a visual representation of your dreams, desires, and aspirations. On your vision board, it's not just about setting goals; it's about creating a roadmap to reach them.

Your vision board should be a physical image gallery of possibilities, where each image represents a unique facet of your financial dream

A board with the words should, could, would and DID written on it. Declare your intentions to the universe and build a reminder of the financial goals you're working towards.

As you arrange images of that dream house, the thriving business or the exotic travel destinations, you'll start to see a common thread. Your dreams will become tangible in your daily life, motivating you to make choices that align with your financial goals.

Building momentum with money mantras

We spoke with Velocity Club's team of financial consultants to help inspire you as you sit down to craft your economic vision board. Their personal money mantras are here to encourage you to create that vision board and start taking control of your money and your dreams.

Neo's Wisdom: Discipline and dedication

Your financial vision board is there to be a constant reminder of the path you've chosen. Its purpose is to keep you focused and help you resist the urge to stray off course.

Neo's money mantra, "Financial freedom through discipline and dedication," is the key here because achieving financial freedom is a bit like scaling a mountain. It requires discipline and dedication, as Neo wisely reminds us. Each step you take, each financial decision you make, is a move toward the summit of your dreams. It's not always easy, but the view from the top is worth it.

A man standing at the top of a mountain with his arms stretched upwards. Each step he took, each financial decision he made, moved him toward the summit of his dreams. While sometimes challenging, the view from the top is worth it.

Andi's insight: Money listens

Have you ever considered that money might have ears? Well, not literally, but Andi's mantra, "My money likes the sound of my voice," encourages us to think of our finances as active participants in our lives.

As you discuss your financial dreams and decisions with your partner, family, loved ones, or other trusted person, you're engaging in a conversation with your money. Tell it your goals, share your aspirations, and listen to its responses. Your money can become a partner in your journey, helping you to achieve your dreams when you simply communicate effectively.

There's another aspect to Andi's insight, however. By highlighting the fact that her money likes the sound of her voice, Andi reminds us that money likes the sound of our instructions, our management, and our direction.

Post-it notes in different colours with the words dream big, set goals, and TAKE ACTION written on them.

Become comfortable taking control of your money and giving it direction because, as Andi says, it likes the sound of your voice.

Nqobile's advice: Prioritise savings and investments

Nqobile's mantra, "Pay yourself first; savings and investments are the goal," underscores the importance of prioritising your financial goals. Just as you curate your vision board, curate your financial choices to align with your dreams.

When you prioritise savings and investments, you allocate resources to support your aspirations. It's like planting seeds in a fertile garden. Over time, these investments grow and will bear fruit, nourishing your financial goals.

Dumisa's Wisdom: Investing in yourself

Your financial vision board isn't just about external achievements; it's also a canvas for personal growth. Dumisa's insight, "Invest in yourself, Invest in your future," highlights the importance of self-investment in your financial journey.

Consider your vision board as a reflection of both your financial and personal goals. Just as you allocate funds to investments, you also allocate time and energy to self-improvement. The dividends of personal growth can be just as rewarding as financial gains.

Dumisa's mantra ends with the statement, "Smart money is long money". Put another way, the smart way to spend our money is to pursue long-term goals. Echoing Nqobile's advice, think of your money as seeds that will take time to grow but will eventually produce the  building blocks of your financial vision board.

Three young boys are planting seedlings in terracotta pots.

Tshegofatso's belief: A brighter financial future

Tshegofatso's mantra reminds us, "My financial future is very different from my past." Your financial vision board encapsulates this belief. It's a testament to your commitment to change the trajectory of your financial story.

As you look at your vision board, you see a future that's distinct from your past. It's a future where financial freedom, security, and prosperity are not just dreams but a reality that you're actively creating.

Naledi's perspective: Making money work for you

Naledi's wisdom encourages us to think of our Rands as our employees: "Make money a tool. Make it work for you." Your vision board is not just a collection of dreams; it's a blueprint for harnessing the power of money to craft the life you desire.

Naledi had other messages to share with us. "Money amplifies your character; what story do you want your money to tell about you?" This mantra encourages us to view money as a versatile instrument, capable of amplifying our aspirations. Just as you carefully select images and goals for your vision board, you can curate your financial decisions to make money an ally in your journey.

Tailored, empowered action for your unique financial journey

We all know that dreams of reaching your financial goals are not enough. You need a clear plan and expert guidance to take control of your finances and confidently move toward your goals. This is where Velocity Club excels, offering affordable financial advice tailored to your unique circumstances, dreams, and goals.

The Velocity Club team is standing by to help you reach the goals on your vision board. Book a free, no-obligation consultation to get started right away.

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A red pen resting on top of a notebook.


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